
Mar 09, 2025 - 07:43 PM
To play the game Left Right Center using the FALMOUTH Giant Left Right Center Set, follow these steps:
1. Set up the game:
- Each player starts with 3 chips.
- Place all the chips in the center of the playing area.
- Have the 3 dice ready.
2. Determine the order of play:
- The player who has the FALMOUTH Giant Left Right Center Set goes first.
- Play proceeds clockwise.
3. Roll the dice:
- The player whose turn it is rolls all 3 dice.
- Each die has the letters L, R, and C on it, as well as a dot on one side.
4. Follow the instructions based on the dice outcome:
- If a player rolls an L, they must pass one chip to the player on their left.
- If a player rolls an R, they must pass one chip to the player on their right.
- If a player rolls a C, they must put one chip in the center of the playing area.
- If a player rolls a dot, they keep their chips.
5. Continue playing:
- The next player in clockwise order takes their turn by rolling the dice.
- If a player runs out of chips, they are still in the game but no longer participate in passing chips.
6. Last player with chips:
- The game continues until only one player has chips remaining.
- This player is declared the winner and collects all the chips in the center of the playing area.
For any further questions or clarifications, please refer to the instructions provided in the FALMOUTH Giant Left Right Center Set manual.
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