
Mar 07, 2025 - 03:15 AM
To install the Intel Stratix 10 SoC UEFI Boot Loader, you need to follow these steps:
1. Install the Intel SoC FPGA Embedded Development Suite (SoC EDS) v18.1 and above on your machine. You can download it from the Intel Download Center for FPGAs.
2. Download the GNU Toolchain (EABI Release) for Arm* Processors from Arm's download page. For Linux, you can download the gcc-arm-8.3-2019.03-x86_64-aarch64-Linux-gnu.tar.xz file.
3. Build the Secure Monitor by following the instructions in the "Building the ATF" section of the user guide. This involves setting up the GCC path and environment variables, removing the build tree, and running the make command.
4. Obtain the UEFI source code from GitHub. Clone the UEFI source code repository and perform a Git checkout. The repository URL is provided in the user guide.
5. Compile the UEFI source code with the Linaro toolchain. Set up the GCC path and environment variables, set up the EDK_TOOLS_PATH and PACKAGES_PATH variables, and run the build command to compile the UEFI bootloader.
6. After compiling the UEFI bootloader, you will have the INTELSTRATIX10_EFI.fd file in the /Build/Stratix10SoCPkg/RELEASE_GCC48 folder. This file is the UEFI bootloader that you can use to boot the UEFI shell and enable Ethernet features or run a UEFI application.
Please note that these are general steps, and you should refer to the Intel Stratix 10 SoC UEFI Boot Loader User Guide for detailed instructions and any additional requirements specific to your system.
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