
Mar 07, 2025 - 02:52 AM
To set up the 8K DisplayPort Video Format Conversion Design Example, you will need specific hardware and software. Here are the steps to set it up:
Hardware Requirements:
- Intel Arria 10 GX FPGA Development Kit, including the DDR4 Hilo Daughter Card
- Bitec DisplayPort 1.4 FMC daughter card (revision 11)
- DisplayPort 1.4 source that produces up to 3840x2160p60 or 7680x4320p30 video
- DisplayPort 1.4 sink that displays up to 3840x2160p60 video
- VESA certified DisplayPort 1.4 cables.
Software Requirements:
- Windows or Linux OS
- Intel Quartus Prime Design Suite v19.2, which includes:
- Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition
- Platform Designer
- Nios II EDS
- Intel FPGA IP Library (including the Video and Image Processing Suite)
Steps to Download and Install the Design Example:
1. Download the archived project file "udx10_dp.par" from the Intel Design Store.
2. Extract the Intel Quartus Prime project from the archive.
3. Open Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition and click File ➤ Open Project.
4. Navigate to and select the "udx10_dp.par" file.
5. In the Open Design Template window, set the Destination folder to the desired location for the extracted project.
6. Click OK.
Steps to Compile the Design Example:
1. Open the top.qpf project file in the Intel Quartus Prime software.
2. Click File ➤ Open and select "ip/dp_rx_tx/dp_rx_tx.ip" to open the parameter editor GUI for the DisplayPort IP.
3. Click Generate Example Design (not Generate) in the parameter editor.
4. Close the parameter editor when the generation completes.
5. Navigate to the software directory and unzip the "" archive to generate the "vip_control_src" directory.
6. In a BASH terminal, navigate to software/script and run the shell script "" to build the Nios II software for the design.
7. Click Processing ➤ Start Compilation in the Intel Quartus Prime software to compile the design.
8. Intel Quartus Prime will generate the "udx10_dp.qsys" Platform Designer system and set the project to "top.qpf".
9. The compilation will create "top.sof" in the output_files directory when it completes.
These steps will help you set up and compile the 8K DisplayPort Video Format Conversion Design Example. For more detailed instructions and information, refer to the user guide provided by Intel (AN 889: 8K DisplayPort Video Format Conversion Design Example User Guide).
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