
Mar 06, 2025 - 09:36 PM
To perform a silent installation of Carrier eDesign Software, follow these steps:
1. Launch a Command Prompt window on your computer.
2. Enter the command with the following format: installfile.exe /switches
- Replace "installfile.exe" with the name of the installation file.
- Replace "/switches" with one or more command line switches, each starting with "/". See the glossary below for a list of applicable switches.
- Perform a Silent installation: EDG-HAP600.EXE /silent
- User interaction will not be required.
- Only the progress bar window will appear.
- Any warnings or errors will display a message and require user action.
- If a computer restart is required at the end of installation, the user will be prompted.
- Perform a Very Silent installation: EDG-HAP600.EXE /verysilent
- User interaction will not be required.
- No windows will appear.
- Any warnings or errors will display a message and require user action.
- If a computer restart is required at the end of installation, the user will be prompted.
- Perform an Ultra Silent installation: EDG-HAP600.EXE /verysilent /suppressmsgboxes /norestart
- User interaction will not be required.
- No windows will appear. A file extraction progress bar may appear in some cases.
- Warning and error messages will not appear. The installer will automatically act on these messages as shown in the glossary.
- If a computer restart is required at the end of installation, it will be suppressed.
Note: The glossary below provides a list of applicable switches and their descriptions.
Glossary of Applicable Switches:
- /log="path and filename": Writes the installation log file to the specified path and filename.
- /norestart: Prevents the installer from restarting the computer after a successful installation.
- /omit_desktop_icon: Prevents the creation of a desktop icon for the software during installation.
- /omit_dotnet: Prevents the installation of Microsoft .NET Framework. Note that eDesign software requires .NET Framework v4.8 or later.
- /omit_vcredist: Prevents the installation of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable software. Note that eDesign software currently requires the 2015 version.
- /silent: Installs without showing the Wizard and background windows, but shows progress windows.
- /suppressmsgboxes: Does not show any warning or error message boxes during installation.
- /verysilent: Installs without showing the Wizard, background windows, and progress windows.
Please refer to the Carrier eDesign Software Installation Guide for more detailed information and additional switches.
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