
Mar 04, 2025 - 08:55 AM
To clean the Carter-Hoffmann BB100 Space Saver Classic cabinet, follow these steps:
1. Allow the cabinet to cool completely before cleaning.
2. Unplug the cabinet from the electrical power source.
3. Remove the entire heating unit from the cabinet by unplugging it and wrapping the cord around the handle. Lift the heater up and out.
4. Remove the racks or shelves from the cabinet for cleaning. Simply lift them up and pull them out.
5. Hand wash or run the tray slides through an automatic dishwasher.
6. Clean the vinyl trim with a chlorine-free detergent and water. Rinse thoroughly with clear water and allow it to dry. Do not use abrasive cleaners, waxes, car polish, or substances containing strong aromatic solvents or alcohol.
7. Use only cleansers, detergents, degreasers, or sanitizers that are certified to be "chloride-free" and "phosphate-free" to clean the stainless steel surfaces. Do not exceed recommended concentrations or mixing ratios. After cleaning and sanitizing, rinse all exposed surfaces thoroughly with large amounts of clear water. Wipe off any standing liquid or residue from all horizontal surfaces, corners, or near edges.
8. Wipe dry with a clean soft cloth.
9. Replace the heating unit back into the .
Note: Do not spill or pour water into the controls, and be cautious of sharp edges with sheet metal during the cleaning process. Do not use steel wool pads as they can result in rusting.
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