
Mar 02, 2025 - 11:45 PM
To ensure safe handling of the AZBAT24100A Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery, please follow these guidelines:
1. Be aware of potential arc and shock hazards as the battery operates at hazardous low DC voltage. Handle the battery with caution.
2. Only use a qualified installer who is familiar with the product manual for installation.
3. Do not operate the battery in temperatures outside the range of 0°C to 45°C.
4. Do not open the battery, disassemble it, or attempt to repair it, as this will void the warranty.
5. Do not remove or tamper with the QC sticker or any other labels on the battery, as this will void the warranty.
6. Do not connect the battery terminals directly to PV wiring.
7. Do not connect multiple batteries in series.
8. Do not use different battery makes, models, manufacturers, or products in parallel or series. DO NOT mix Azoteq Battery models (AZBAT A, B, or C).
9. In the event of a fire, do not use water to extinguish it.
10. Take precautions to prevent the battery terminals from shorting due to unforeseen events.
11. Avoid subjecting the batteries to mechanical shock or vibration.
12. Recharge the batteries within 12 hours after being fully discharged.
Please refer to the product manual for additional safety precautions and information.
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