
Feb 21, 2025 - 07:54 AM
To install the luminii LETO 11 965 Slim Canopy pendant light, follow these steps:
1. Make sure the product is suitable for dry indoor locations only.
2. Ensure that the product is not on the same circuit as inductive loads, such as fluorescent bulbs or ventilation fans.
3. Allow air to flow freely around the fixture.
4. Do not switch on the line voltage until all wiring is complete.
5. Incorrect wiring can cause irreparable damage to the LED and power supply, so it is recommended to have a licensed electrician install the product.
6. Read and follow all applicable installation codes and ordinances.
7. The product comes with a limited five (5) years warranty, which is void in the event of unauthorized modifications or improper use.
For Pendant: Single Feed Cable installation:
1. Make electrical connections, connecting AC to the ceiling and DC to the fixture. The temperature sensor (orange) is not used and should be capped.
2. Place the driver in the junction box and xxxx the bracket onto the junction box.
3. Line up the canopy with the crossbar's xxxx holes and slide it onto the ceiling.
4. Secure the canopy to the junction box using the two screws provided. Adjust the cable length and tighten the cord grip cap.
5. Straighten the feed cable, removing any bends.
For Pendant: Solid Stem installation:
1. Feed the wires through the stem and xxxx the stem to the Leto 11 Mini head.
2. Apply loctite to the threads of each stem. Feed the wires through the other stem and xxxx them together.
3. Place the driver in the junction box and xxxx the bracket onto the junction box.
4. Re-assemble the canopy with the threaded xxxx attached to the stem.
5. Make electrical connections, connecting AC to the ceiling and DC to the fixture. The temperature sensor (orange) is not used and should be capped.
6. Line up the canopy with the crossbar's xxxx holes and slide it onto the ceiling.
7. Secure the canopy to the junction box using the two screws provided.
If you have any further questions or need assistance, you can contact Sensolighting at 403-216-7043 or email them at
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