
Feb 16, 2025 - 11:11 PM
To convert your existing AK-SC 255 / SM 800 units to AK-SM 800A, please follow the steps outlined in the user guide provided. Here is a summary of the key steps and procedures:
1. Pre-installation:
- Record and document any current or recently active alarms in the AK-SC 255 systems.
- Record and document IP configuration for all units.
- Save history (if required) using the AKA65.
- Verify all nodes are online.
- Note existing wiring configuration, especially for the field bus.
- Review all AK-SC 255 systems for any points with override or offsets applied.
- Upgrade all AK-SC 255 units to v2.231 or later if required.
- Save each AK-SC 255 database on a USB flash drive and label accordingly.
2. AK-SM 800A pre-flight:
- Set the host network rotary address switch to match the AK-SC 255 being replaced.
- Power up the AK-SM 800A units and complete the pre-flight wizards using a new admin user and password.
- Set the time and date and enter the IP addresses used in AK-SC 255 units.
- Update the software on the AK-SM 800A.
3. Convert 255 database to SM800A:
- Save the AK-SC 255 database to a USB flash drive.
- Insert the flash drive into the AK-SM 800 series and select database import via the USB menu.
- Review the database using AK-SM 800 for any non-typical entries.
- Save the AK-SM 800 series database to the USB flash drive.
- Insert the flash drive into the AK-SM 800A series and select "import database" under the USB menu option.
4. Installation:
- Make a suitable disconnect of the AK-SC 255 and mount the AK-SM 800A.
- Ensure all connectors are in place.
- Perform a network scan.
- Perform a device upload if applicable.
- Check general operation and perform test alarms.
- Enable history and configure if required.
Please refer to the user guide for more detailed instructions and additional information on software updates and connectivity.
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