
Feb 14, 2025 - 08:54 PM
Setting up and operating the TEKBOX TBL5016-3 50uH Line Impedance Stabilisation Network involves the following steps:
1. Safety Precautions: It is important to read and understand the safety instructions provided in the manual. The TBL5016-3 should only be operated by qualified staff. Ensure that the necessary earth connections are reliably bonded to avoid the risk of electric shocks. Always supply the LISN through an isolation transformer. Take precautions to prevent damage to your test receiver or spectrum analyzer.
2. Pre-Compliance Testing: The TBL5016-3 is designed for pre-compliance testing of conducted emissions. It provides a defined impedance for the emissions produced by the Device Under Test (DUT) and emitted via the supply cables. This eliminates the influence of the power source impedance and ensures accurate measurements.
3. Laboratory Setup: Isolate and elevate the DUT from the ground plane. Connect the TBL5016-3, isolation transformer, DUT, and spectrum analyzer according to the provided setup diagram. Measure the connectivity between each equipment chassis and the ground plane. Ensure that all required earth connections are reliably bonded.
4. Power On Sequence: Before powering on any equipment, ensure that the RF cable is not yet connected. Set the Protective Earth switch to the direct ground position. Power on the isolation transformer, spectrum analyzer, TBL5016-3, and finally the DUT. Connect the RF cable for conducting noise measurements.
5. Measurement and Analysis: Conduct the conducted noise measurements using the TBL5016-3 and the connected spectrum analyzer. Ensure that the conducted noise does not exceed the analyzer input limits. If necessary, use attenuators or limiters to prevent damage to the test receiver or spectrum analyzer. After finishing the measurements, disconnect the RF cable before powering off the DUT.
For more detailed instructions and specifications, refer to the TEKBOX TBL5016-3 50uH Line Impedance Stabilisation Network Instruction Manual.
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