
Feb 11, 2025 - 10:46 PM
To properly mount the DESERT DA120 Engine with Electronic Ignition, follow these steps:
1. Use high-grade 1/4" or 6mm diameter bolts with washers and locking nuts to mount the motor on the rear of the firewall. Ensure that the firewall is structurally sound and that the crankshaft centerline is in the exact center of the rear mounting plate bolt pattern.
2. The throttle arm is pre-tapped for a 2-56 ball link. Make sure the carburetor's idle set xxxx is removed or set so that the carb can be fully closed by the servo at low trim. Use a high-quality servo for the throttle. Avoid using metal-to-metal linkages.
3. You can unhook, but not remove, the throttle return spring if the motor is not going to be bench run. The spring helps limit shaft wear due to vibration.
4. Do not try to rotate the carburetor 180 degrees on the mounting block or remove the butterfly shaft assembly.
5. The carburetor should have at least 1 1/2" (38mm) of clearance between the intake and the bottom of the cowl. If there is less than 1 1/2", make an opening in the cowl below the carb at least as large as the carb intake diameter.
6. Since the carburetor may need different adjustments with the cowl on compared to off, it is recommended to make small access holes in the cowl for adjusting the needle valves with a long, narrow screwdriver. Sometimes, the needles can be reached through the cowl's openings for the exhaust system.
7. Use a 32 oz. (or larger) fuel tank that is vented. The tank can be mounted almost anywhere since the carb has a strong pump. Ensure that the fuel line and tank stopper are gas compatible and that no silicone sealers are used on the fuel system. It is recommended to filter the gas entering the fuel tank from your field container.
8. Cooling is critical for motor performance and longevity. Allow as much cooling air as possible through the front inlets of the cowl. Create an outlet opening approximately 2 1/2 times larger than the intake at the bottom rear of the cowl for hot air to escape. Air must flow through the cylinder fins, not just inside the cowl, to properly cool the motor. Use ducting to direct the air through the fins, even in round cowls with large frontal openings.
9. Depending on the location of the exhaust system and cowl airflow, the carburetor may need some air cooling as well. Placing heat shielding material between the exhaust and carburetor can help prevent carburetor overheating.
10. Shield components like the ignition system, fuel tank, fuel lines, receivers, etc., from heat generated by canister and tuned pipe exhaust systems. Overheated fuel tanks, fuel lines, and electronic components can cause tuning issues and failures.
By following these mounting instructions, you can ensure safe and proper operation of the DESERT DA120 Engine with Electronic Ignition. For more detailed information, refer to the user manual provided.
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