
Feb 01, 2025 - 04:51 AM
To connect the EdgeTech 3400 Sub-Bottom Sonar System to your computer and navigation devices, follow these steps:
1. Connect the 3400 Topside to your computer's Ethernet connection using an Ethernet cable.
2. If you have any navigation devices, connect them to the COM A or COM B serial port on the 3400 Topside or your computer's COM port.
3. If you have the amplifier option, connect the J2 Connector on the amplifier to the Towfish connector using the supplied tow cable.
4. Connect the 3400 Topside Sea Cable connection to the J1 3400 I/O Connector on the amplifier with the amplifier interface cable.
Note: The Ethernet cable can be extended up to 100 feet using a Category 5 Ethernet patch cable and Ethernet connector. You can use a crossover or direct cable.
Please refer to the EdgeTech 3400 Sub-Bottom Sonar System User Guide for more detailed instructions and diagrams on the connection setup.
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