
Jan 30, 2025 - 09:46 PM
To reverse the door on your GODDESS RME085GW8SSF refrigerator, follow these steps:
1. Ensure that the unit is unplugged and empty.
2. Tilt the unit backward and rest it on something solid to prevent it from slipping during the door-reversing process.
3. Carefully remove the top hinge cover using a flat screwdriver.
4. Unscrew the top hinge using a Phillips screwdriver.
5. Remove the hole cover using a flat screwdriver.
6. Move the core cover from the left side to the right side.
7. Lift the upper door and place it on a padded surface to prevent scratching.
8. Lay down the rear of the cabinet on a soft pad.
9. Unscrew the bottom hinge and leveling foot.
10. Unscrew and remove the bottom hinge pin, turn the bracket over, and replace it.
11. Install the hinge on the left side and the foot base on the right side. xxxx in the two leveling feet with their original parts.
12. Detach the fridge and freezer door gaskets and then attach them after rotating.
13. Stand up the unit and put the door on the bottom hinge. Make sure the bottom hinge core is inserted in the door hole. Install the door with the upper hinge.
14. Attach the hinge cover and hole cover on the top of the unit.
Please refer to the instruction manual for visual illustrations and additional details on reversing the door.
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