
Jan 30, 2025 - 02:32 AM
To program the sensors with the TPMS handset, follow these steps:
1. Ensure that the AASL (Automatic Assignment of Sensor Location) function is enabled on the receiver. This can be done by pressing and holding the receiver button until it flashes twice, then releasing it. The receiver will now be in learn mode.
2. Activate all four sensors in the correct order (FL, FR, RL, RR) using the TPMS handset's 'Read' function. The receiver LED will flash a number of times in quick succession as each sensor is allocated correctly. Please note that seeing the sensor serial number on the TPMS handset does not guarantee that it has been allocated a position within the receiver.
3. Once a sensor serial number has been allocated to the first position (FL), the receiver is ready to accept the next sensor to be assigned as FR, then RL, and finally RR. The receiver will not allow a sensor serial number to be repeated in the next position.
4. After assigning all four sensors, press and hold the receiver button until it flashes four times to indicate that the AASL is completed.
Please note that during the sensor allocation phase, you can 'Read' each sensor more than once if you are uncertain if the receiver has acknowledged the reception.
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