
Jan 28, 2025 - 01:20 AM
To set up your Roku Ultra streaming player, follow these steps:
1. Choose a language: When you first power on your Roku Ultra, you will be prompted to choose a language. Use the Roku remote to scroll through the list and press the OK button to select your preferred language.
2. Connect to the internet: Select your wireless network from the list of available networks and enter your password. This should be the same network you use to connect your computer or smartphone to the internet. If you don't see your network, select "Scan again" to refresh the list. If you need further assistance, refer to the help section for finding your wireless network and password.
3. Download the latest software: Once connected to the internet, your Roku Ultra will automatically download the latest version of the Roku OS software and then reboot.
4. Set the display type: Choose "Auto detect display type" to let your Roku Ultra analyze the HDMI connection and determine the supported video resolutions. If you want the Roku Ultra to automatically choose the best display resolution, select "OK, go to automatic." You can change the display type later in the settings menu if needed.
5. Set up the remote: If you are using a Roku Enhanced Remote with TV power and volume buttons, you can select "Check remote settings" to automatically set up the remote to control your TV's power and volume. You can also set up the remote later in the settings menu.
6. Create a Roku account and activate your Roku Ultra: To activate your Roku Ultra, it needs to be linked to a Roku account. Follow the instructions displayed on your TV screen, including visiting on your computer or smartphone, entering the activation code, and following the on-screen instructions to activate your Roku Ultra. Note that there is no charge to create a Roku account.
Once you have completed these steps, your Roku Ultra streaming player will be ready to use. You can personalize it by changing the theme or screensaver, adding new streaming channels, games, and apps from the Roku Channel Store.
For more detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips, refer to the Roku 4660R Ultra 4K/HDR/HD Streaming Player Instruction Manual provided with the product.
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