Jan 26, 2025 - 08:28 PM
Cleaning and sanitizing the Groen GPT Direct Steam Stationary kettle is an important part of maintaining its performance and ensuring food safety. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to clean and sanitize the kettle:
1. Scrape and flush out any food residues with lukewarm water. Close the draw-off valve after flushing the kettle.
2. Prepare a hot solution of a suitable detergent or cleaning compound as instructed by the supplier. Set aside some of this solution for cleaning the draw-off valve and pipe.
3. Clean the kettle thoroughly, both inside and outside, using a brush, sponge, cloth, or plastic/rubber scraper with the cleaning solution. Avoid using abrasive materials or metal tools that may scratch the surface.
4. Rinse the kettle and draw-off parts thoroughly with warm water, then drain completely.
5. As part of the daily cleaning, clean all external and internal surfaces that may have been soiled. Pay attention to areas like the underside of the cover.
6. To remove burned-on materials, let the detergent solution sit in the kettle and soak into the residue. Use a brush, sponge, cloth, plastic or rubber scraper, or plastic wool to scrub the surface. Do not use steel wool, as it may leave particles that can cause corrosion.
7. Polish the outside of the unit with a stainless steel cleaner, if desired.
8. When sanitizing, use a solution equivalent to one that supplies 200 parts per million available chlorine. Follow the supplier's instructions and apply the sanitizer after the unit has been cleaned and drained. Thoroughly rinse off the sanitizer.
Note: Never leave a chlorine sanitizer in contact with stainless steel surfaces for longer than 30 minutes, as it can cause staining and corrosion.
It is important to wear protective gear such as rubber gloves, goggles or a face shield, and protective clothing when handling cleaning chemicals. Refer to the warnings and directions on the label of the cleaner for additional safety precautions.
Please refer to the "Maintenance" section of the Groen GPT Direct Steam Stationary User Manual for more information on cleaning and maintenance procedures.
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