Jan 24, 2025 - 04:04 AM
To install the Johansson 9720 Wideband LNB, follow these steps:
1. Gather a screwdriver, wrench, or other appropriate fastener tools and a coaxial cable.
2. If there's already an LNB attached to your dish, carefully disconnect its connectors. Unscrew the coax cable connectors and store them where they won't get crushed or bent.
3. Using the screwdriver or wrench, unfasten the bolts that hold the existing LNB in place. Be careful not to jar the mast holding the dish or knock the dish out of alignment. After removing the screws or bolts, you should be able to pull the LNB up and off the mount arm. If your LNB is located behind the dish or held by a captive arm bracket, this process may be slightly different.
4. Attach the new Johansson 9720 Wideband LNB to the arm the same way the original was connected.
5. Connect a field strength analyzer to the LNB and analyze the signal quality of one satellite transponder from either the horizontal or vertical band. Change the skew and focus position of the LNB to optimize the signal quality (i.e., make sure you receive a maximum MER on the measured transponders). It might be possible that you need to re-align the satellite dish to receive the best signal quality.
6. Tighten the bolts as much as you can, but don't strip their heads or nuts and check if the signal quality (or MER) didn’t change.
7. Hook up the coax cables to the Johansson 9720 Wideband LNB's connectors and pull down the sleeve to cover the connectors.
8. Plug the connectors into your wideband-compatible STB (Set-Top Box). If you want to connect to an SCR STB, refer to the application scheme provided in the manual.
Please refer to the "Installing the Wideband LNB" section in the Johansson 9720 Wideband LNB User Manual for more detailed instructions and illustrations.
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