
Jan 20, 2025 - 10:00 PM
To input a sequence using the ASQ-1 sequencer, follow these steps:
1. Make sure playback is inactive by ensuring that the Play LED is not lit. If it is lit, deactivate playback by pressing the Play button.
2. Press the Store button to clear any current sequence and prepare the sequencer for step input.
3. Use the mechanical note keys to enter each note step. You can set the octave offset of the keyboard using the octave buttons. Pressing the Hold or Rest buttons will add a hold (extends the last entered note to the next) or rest step. Holding down a note key while pressing another will add a slide between the notes.
4. The length of the inputted sequence is indicated by a red LED on the bottom row of the 8 white note keys.
5. Once the sequence is input, press the Store button again to end input.
6. Press the Play button to start playback of the input sequence. Note that if you have an external clock patched, make sure it is running for the sequence to advance steps.
During playback, the current playback position within the current 8 steps is shown by a white key's red LED. The currently playing note is indicated by a note key with a green LED lit. You can transpose the sequence by pressing any note key while playback is happening. Pressing the lowest C will remove the transposition. Transposition mode can be toggled by holding Play and clicking Hold.
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