
Jan 20, 2025 - 09:08 PM
To install and wire the ITC 69690 TAG Hardtop Light, please follow the instructions provided in the instruction manual. Here is a step-by-step guide:
1. Disconnect power: Before starting the installation, make sure to disconnect the power source to avoid any electrical hazards.
2. Parts/Tools needed: Gather all the necessary parts and tools required for the installation.
3. Safety precautions: It is important to read and follow the important safety instructions provided in the manual. This includes accounting for all parts, destroying packing materials to prevent hazards to children, and adding fuse protection to the positive input.
4. Lens care: The TAG lights come with a glass lens, so handle them with care during installation to avoid cracking or chipping the lens.
5. xxxx Mount Version: If you have the xxxx mount version, use the bezel as a template to mark the xxxx holes. Pre-drill the marked holes and then xxxx in the bezel using the provided screws. Push the light into the bezel until it snaps in place.
6. Spring Mount Version: If you have the spring mount version, bend back the springs and install the light accordingly.
7. Wiring: Follow the wiring diagrams provided in the manual to wire the light correctly. Make sure to connect the wires according to the instructions to ensure proper functionality.
8. Testing: Once the installation and wiring are complete, you can test the light by turning on the power source. The lights will start at minimum brightness and gradually increase to full brightness over five seconds. If you want to keep the light at a specific brightness level, turn the switch off and back on within the five seconds.
9. Color Selection and Reset: If applicable to your light (not applicable to single color lights), you can switch to the next color by turning the power off and then on again. To reset the color or brightness, turn off the power to the lights for at least 12 seconds, and then turn it on again.
For any further information or warranty details, please refer to the provided contact information or visit the manufacturer's website at
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