
Jan 20, 2025 - 09:02 PM
To install the COLDBUSTER Under Carpet Floor Heater Kit, follow these steps:
1. Plan the installation layout: Before starting the installation, plan the layout of the heaters, especially if you are installing more than one heater. Ensure that each heater is installed as per the instructions and start each heater's cold tail on the floor below the thermostat point.
2. Prepare the electrical connections: Engage a licensed electrician to handle the electrical connections. The heater element must be connected to a circuit with RCD (safety switch) protection. Consult with your electrician to ensure that the existing cabling and RCD are capable of handling the additional load.
3. Prepare the floor sensor: Install the floor sensor as shown in the electrical connection drawing. The floor sensor is optional but recommended, especially if the thermostat is mounted inside a cupboard or outside the heated area.
4. Prepare the underlay: Ensure that the floor is clean before fitting the underlay. Vacuum the underlay and remove any foreign objects that could damage the carpet heater.
5. Plan the heater layout: Mark out permanent fixtures and plan the layout of the heaters. Maintain a 20cm distance from walls and permanent fixtures to avoid damage during carpet installation. Maintain a 30mm spacing between elements and mark out the placement of your runs using a tape measure and marker pen.
6. Pre-installation: Connect the cold tail to the draw wire and pull it up through the pre-installed conduit or wall cavity to the thermostat position. Cut a section of the underlay below the thermostat and secure the connector joint(s)/cold tail into the cut section using tape. Connect and test the installation alarm monitor.
7. Heater installation: Cut strips of the heater to reach the first run. Begin laying the heater by rolling it out according to the planned layout. Secure the heater to the underlay using silver tape. Change the direction of the heater when necessary by redirecting the rest of the heater in the desired direction. Finish laying the heater by securing each run with silver tape and installing the floor sensor.
8. Multiple heater installation: If installing multiple heaters in one heat zone, each heater must start at the thermostat location. Cut the mesh between the elements to enable the heater to be laid in a single line. Maintain a spacing of 60-80mm between elements.
9. Laying floor covering: Take extra care when working over the floor heaters. Use cardboard or carpet to temporarily cover the heaters to avoid accidental damage. Ensure that fitting the carpet doesn't change the position of the heaters and avoid putting heavy objects or using sharp tools on the heaters.
10. Thermostat fit off and connection to mains power: These steps must be done by a licensed electrician. Follow the thermostat instructions for wiring details and ensure that all heaters are connected to an RCD protected supply circuit. Disconnect the monitor from the heater before connecting the heater and floor sensor to the thermostat and connecting the thermostat to mains power.
For more detailed instructions and safety information, refer to the COLDBUSTER Under Carpet Floor Heater Kit Installation Guide provided with the product.
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