
Jan 18, 2025 - 02:43 AM
To pair your ISOtunes FREE 2.0 earbuds with your device, follow these steps:
1. Power on the earbuds by removing them from the charging case or pressing and holding the multi-function button (MFB) on one of the earbuds for 3 seconds.
2. The earbuds will automatically enter Bluetooth Pairing Mode, indicated by quick red and blue flashes from the earbud LED indicator lights.
3. Open the Bluetooth settings on your device.
4. Search for "ISOtunes FREE 2.0" and select it to pair and connect.
5. Once connected, you will hear "Bluetooth Connected" from the earbuds.
For more detailed instructions, please refer to the "Bluetooth Pairing" section in the ISOtunes FREE 2.0 Hearing Protection Instruction Manual
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