
Jan 17, 2025 - 09:42 PM
To connect the XGS X-Celerator Developer Kit to an FPGA development platform, follow these steps:
1. Ensure that you have a compatible FPGA development platform. The X-Celerator kit is designed for use with Xilinx UltraScale architecture, so make sure your FPGA development platform supports this architecture.
2. Connect the X-Celerator headboard to the FPGA development platform using the provided Low-Pin Count (LPC) FMC cable. The cable should be connected to the FMC connector on both the X-Celerator headboard and the FPGA development platform.
3. Install the RADON driver from the MyON portal provided by ON Semiconductor. This driver is required for the DevWare software to recognize and interface with the X-Celerator on your FPGA board.
4. Launch the DevWare software and select the correct sensor INI file for your XGS image sensor. The INI file can be downloaded from the image sensor portal. This file contains the latest register settings for the sensor.
5. With the FPGA development platform connected to your PC and the DevWare software running, the X-Celerator should be automatically recognized. The software will load the sensor INI file and demonstrate the best capabilities of the sensor.
Please note that the X-Celerator kit does not include an FPGA development platform or a lens. You will need to provide your own compatible FPGA development platform and lens for your specific application.
For more detailed technical information and resources, refer to the XGS X-Celerator Developer Kit User Guide and the respective developer guides for the XGS image sensors, which can be found on the image sensor portal under standard products → XGS.
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