
Jan 09, 2025 - 03:24 AM
To connect the earpanda EP1D Wireless TV Headphones to your TV, follow these steps:
1. Charge the headphones: Before use, make sure to charge the headphones. Dock the headphones on the base and plug the base into a wall outlet. It takes approximately 2 hours for a complete charge.
2. Connect the audio cable: Look at the back of your TV and find the preferred audio jack. Connect the associated cable from the TV to the base of the headphones. If all the ports on your TV are taken, you can find your external TV box (cable box, satellite box, etc.) and plug in the appropriate cable.
3. Mute the TV: To mute the TV sound and listen through the headphones, make sure the TV is directly connected to the TV headphones base. Set the volume on your TV and TV box to the lowest setting. This will effectively mute the television.
If you encounter any connection problems or sound issues, please refer to the troubleshooting instructions provided in the user manual.
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