Jan 08, 2025 - 09:02 AM
To install the MTX WET8CWB Tower Speaker on your boat or UTV, follow these steps:
1. Determine the size of the pipe you are mounting the bracket to. If the pipe is 2" - 2-1⁄4", use the included 28mm mounting bolts. If the pipe is 2-1⁄4" - 3", use the included 45mm mounting bolts.
2. Position the bottom mounting bracket where the speaker will be placed, and mark the wire hole using the bottom bracket hole as a guide.
3. Drill a 5⁄8" hole where the mark was made. Place a grommet in the drilled hole to protect the wire.
4. Pull the wires through the bar that the WET8CWB is being mounted to. Pull the wire harness wire through the bottom of the bracket. The white connector should be on the bottom side of the bottom bracket.
5. Attach the power and signal wires from the vehicle to the included wire harness that was pulled through the bottom bracket. Make sure to leave only 2" of slack protruding from the bottom bracket to avoid wire binding.
6. Tighten the bottom bracket to the top bracket using the associated mounting bolts. Apply blue thread lock to ensure the bolts do not loosen.
7. Connect the wire harness to the plug that hangs out of the internal mount recess of the WET8CWB enclosure. Carefully push the connector into the mounting area and place the WET8CWB on the bracket shaft area.
8. Hand tighten the adjustment xxxx to the desired speaker direction. Use the included tool to torque the adjustment xxxx down securely.
9. Tighten the locking xxxx by hand, and then use an 18mm open-end wrench to further tighten it. This will ensure the unit does not loosen.
10. Enjoy the incredible sound of Thunder!
Please refer to the instruction guide for more detailed information and illustrations on the installation process.
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