
Jan 08, 2025 - 02:56 AM
To install the ELAC IC-DT61-W Custom in-Ceiling Speaker, follow these steps:
1. Choose the proper location for installation, ensuring clearance from studs or joists and avoiding heat sources, transformers, extreme humidity, and vibrations.
2. Use the included template to mark and cut out the hole in the wall or ceiling.
3. Run the speaker cables into position, leaving about two feet of extra cable exposed at the opening.
4. Strip the ends of the cable and attach them to the speaker terminals, observing the correct polarity.
5. Remove the grille from the speaker frame by gently pulling it towards you.
6. Insert the speaker into the mounting hole, ensuring all tabs are rotated inwards and connect the speaker wires to the spring-loaded connector posts.
7. Use a Phillips head screwdriver to rotate the quick-turn mounting bracket into place and tighten it firmly against the wall.
8. Replace the magnetic grille.
For more detailed instructions and illustrations, please refer to the ELAC IC-DT61-W Custom in-Ceiling Speaker Operational Manual.
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