
Jan 01, 2025 - 01:38 AM
To connect the MOES ZigBee 3.0 Hub/Wired Gateway to your smart home devices, please follow these steps:
1. Connect the gateway to the power supply and connect it to your home's 2.4GHz band router using the included network cable.
2. Make sure the indicator light on the gateway (green light) remains illuminated. If it is in a different status, press and hold the reset button until the green light stays on.
3. Ensure that your mobile phone is connected to the same 2.4GHz band router as the gateway.
4. Open the relevant app on your smartphone (search for it in the App Store or scan the QR code on the package/manual to download it).
5. If you are using the app for the first time, tap "Register" to create an account. If you already have an account, click "Login" and enter your credentials.
6. On the "My Home" page of the app, click the "+" button in the upper right corner.
7. Select "Smart Gateway" from the list of device types.
8. If "Smart Gateway" is not found, select "Smart gateway" under "Frequently added" and follow the app's instructions.
9. Once the device has been successfully added, you will be able to find it on the "My Home" page of the app.
Please refer to the provided manual for more detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips.
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