Dec 30, 2024 - 03:23 AM
Sure! Here are the step-by-step instructions to set up your Sonos PLAY:1 wireless speaker:
1. Select a location for your PLAY:1. Make sure it is close to an electrical outlet and has at least 1 inch of clearance around the back of the unit.
2. Attach the power cord to the PLAY:1 and plug it into a power outlet. Make sure the power cord is firmly inserted into the bottom of the unit.
3. Connect the PLAY:1 to your home network. You can do this by using an Ethernet cable to connect the PLAY:1 to your router, or by setting up a wireless connection. If you are setting up a wireless connection, make sure you have a wireless router and follow the instructions in the Sonos app.
4. Download the Sonos app on your compatible device (Android, iOS, PC, or Mac) and open the app.
5. Follow the on-screen prompts in the Sonos app to set up your PLAY:1. This includes creating a Sonos account, connecting the PLAY:1 to your Wi-Fi network, and adding music services if desired.
6. Once the setup is complete, you can start playing music on your PLAY:1. Use the Sonos app to browse and select music from your personal library, streaming services, or internet radio.
That's it! Your Sonos PLAY:1 wireless speaker is now set up and ready to use. Enjoy your music!
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