
Dec 29, 2024 - 04:50 AM
To connect the RS Earphone #02 Black to your device, follow these steps:
1. Make sure your device's Bluetooth is turned on.
2. Remove the earphones from their case.
3. Press the buttons on top of the earphones twice quickly at once.
4. The earphones should begin to pulse/breathe blue and start blinking, indicating that they are searching for a device.
5. On your device, go to the Bluetooth settings and search for available devices.
6. Select "Jam Ultra" from the list of available devices.
7. Once connected, you can start using the RS Earphone #02 Black with your device.
Please note that these instructions are based on the assumption that the RS Earphone #02 Black uses Bluetooth connectivity. If it uses a wired connection, simply plug the earphones into the appropriate audio jack on your device.
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