
Dec 27, 2024 - 11:51 PM
Proper insertion of the Etymotic Research ER4SR Studio Reference Precision Matched In-Ear Earphones is crucial for optimal sound quality, full bass response, and noise isolation. Here are the steps to properly insert the earphones:
1. While pulling up and out on the back of the ear, carefully insert the earphone into the ear canal.
2. Twist the earphone into the ear canal while inserting until outside noise is blocked out.
3. For 3-flange eartips, moistening them can ease insertion.
4. For foam eartips, roll down or compress the foam eartip before inserting. Hold the eartip in place for about 5 seconds while the foam expands to create a tight seal in the ear canal.
It is important to note that a good eartip seal is essential for sound quality, bass response, and noise isolation. If you need a visual demonstration of how to get a proper fit, you can refer to the video demonstration available on the Etymotic website.
Please refer to the user manual for more detailed instructions and illustrations on how to properly insert the earphones.
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