Dec 25, 2024 - 12:05 AM
Setting up the Dan&Darc DD-026 Light-up Ant Terrarium is a simple process. Here are the step-by-step instructions:
1. Unbox the Kit: Carefully take the ant terrarium out of the box and make sure that all of the parts are there, such as the aquarium, gel, and learning guide.
2. Connect the Micro-USB cord that came with the terrarium to a USB power source and plug it into the charging port. This will charge the LED light.
3. Get the gel ready: Open the gel bottle and put the glowing, nutrient-rich gel into the ant's home.
4. Put the Ants in: Once you have the ants (keep in mind that you can't ship ants to Oregon or Hawaii), carefully put them in the gel home.
5. Setting up the LED Light: Make sure the lid with the LED lighting fits snugly on top of the terrarium.
6. Start the Lighting: To start the glowing effect, press the switch on the lid to turn on the LED light.
7. Watch the Ants: Change the light to make it easier to see as you watch the ants dig paths through the glowing gel.
8. Do What It Says in the Learning Guide: Teach kids about ants' biology and behavior by using the 16-page learning guide.
9. Check on Ants Often: Make sure the ants have enough food and room, and check their home often to see if they are changing how they build tunnels.
10. Regularly add small amounts of water to the gel if it looks like it's drying out to keep the ants' home warm.
11. Place in the Right Place: Put the ant container on a stable, flat surface that is out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources.
12. Don't Use the Light: To save the portable battery, don't use the LED light when you're not looking at the ants.
13. Watch Kids: Keep an eye on kids while you set up the ant home and the ants to make sure they don't hurt themselves.
14. Allow Ants to Get Used to Their New Home: Give the ants time to get used to their new home before they start building tunnels.
15. If you want to use the terrarium as an educational show, put it somewhere where kids and family can easily see it.
By following these steps, you will be able to set up and enjoy the Dan&Darc DD-026 Light-up Ant Terrarium with ease.
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