
Dec 20, 2024 - 10:00 PM
To activate a new Yuasa YTX20HL-BS(CP) Maintenance Free H Series AGM Battery, follow these steps:
1. Remove the battery from its packaging and inspect it for any damage or leaks. If you notice any issues, contact the retailer or Yuasa for assistance.
2. Check the battery's voltage using a voltmeter. The voltage should be around 12.8 volts for a fully charged battery. If the voltage is significantly lower, the battery may need to be charged before activation.
3. If the battery is not already filled with electrolyte, locate the electrolyte acid container provided with the battery. This container is typically a small plastic bottle with a nozzle.
4. Carefully remove the sealing strip from the battery's filler ports. These ports are usually covered by a sealing plug or cap.
5. Attach the nozzle of the electrolyte acid container to one of the filler ports and squeeze the container to release the acid into the battery. Be sure to fill each cell evenly.
6. Once all the electrolyte acid has been added, replace the sealing plug or cap on the filler ports. Make sure it is securely in place to prevent any leaks.
7. Allow the battery to sit for approximately 20 minutes to allow the acid to fully absorb into the battery.
8. After the waiting period, check the battery's voltage again using a voltmeter. It should now read around 12.8 volts, indicating a fully charged battery.
9. The battery is now activated and ready to be installed in your vehicle. Follow the installation instructions provided in your vehicle's manual or consult a professional if you are unsure.
Note: It is important to handle the battery and acid with care, wearing protective gloves and eyewear. Follow all safety precautions outlined in the battery manual and ensure proper ventilation when working with batteries.
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