
Dec 19, 2024 - 06:00 AM
To set the time and date stamp on the TileRec Voice Activated Recorder, follow these steps:
1. Connect the recorder to a PC using the USB cable provided.
2. Access the "RECORD" folder in the partition of the device.
3. Create a new text document named "time.txt" in the "RECORD" folder.
- For Windows PCs, right-click in the "RECORD" folder, select "New," and then choose "Text Document." Rename the document as "time.txt."
- For Mac, you can either install a text editor or use the Mac editor and select the plain text format to save a .txt file.
In the "time.txt" file, enter the current date and time in the following format: yyyyMMddHHmmss (no spaces before or after the digits). For example, if it is October 1, 2019, at 11:30 AM, you should input: 20191001113000.
4. On the second line of the "time.txt" file, specify the recording mode:
- To set the device to voice-activated recording mode, use "1."
- To set the device to continuous recording mode, use "0."
5. On the third line of the "time.txt" file, set the LED light indicator mode:
- Setting the mode to "1" will make the blue LED indicator flash during recording.
- Setting the mode to "0" will disable the LED indicator during recording.
Save the "time.txt" file and disconnect the recorder from the PC. The time and date stamp, as well as the recording mode and LED indicator mode, will now be set on the TileRec Voice Activated Recorder.
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