
Dec 13, 2024 - 02:19 AM
Sure! Here are the step-by-step instructions to set up the Krevi WIFI A3 Dual Band WiFi Extenders Signal Booster:
1. Connect the extender to an electrical socket close to your router. Wait for about 30 seconds until the 5G LED turns solid on.
2. On your device, go to the WiFi settings and choose "WiFi-5G-XXXX" (replace XXXX with the specific network name). If your network does not support 5G, choose "2.4G" instead.
3. Wait for the scan results to appear and select your router from the list. Enter your router's password to connect.
4. Configure the extender's SSID (WiFi name) and password. You can either set a new SSID and password or leave them unchanged.
5. Verify the password and extend the WiFi name. This will create a new extended network.
6. Wait for about 30 seconds for the settings to finish. Click "Done" to return to the WiFi settings.
7. In the WiFi settings, select your new extended WiFi network and enter the password you created.
That's it! Your Krevi WIFI A3 Dual Band WiFi Extenders Signal Booster is now set up and ready to use. You should experience improved WiFi signal and extended coverage throughout your home or office.
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