
Dec 11, 2024 - 10:28 PM
The LED light on the Joule communicates various information through different colors and blinking patterns. Here is an overview of the LED light states and their meanings:
- Solid white light: The Joule is in standby mode and ready to start cooking if already connected to the app.
- Blinking white light: The Joule is ready to pair with the app. Press the top of the Joule to continue.
- Double-blinking white light: The Joule app has requested the Joule to identify itself.
- Slowly blinking or "breathing" orange light: The Joule is heating to its set temperature.
- Double-blinking orange light: Power was lost during cooking. If you unplug the Joule while it is cooking, you may see this when you plug it in again.
- Solid green light: The Joule has reached the set temperature and is holding steady.
- Double-blinking green light: A timer has completed its countdown. Your food is probably done!
- Solid yellow light: A system failure has occurred. Try unplugging the Joule and plugging it back in again.
- Double-blinking yellow light: A factory reset is in progress.
- Double-blinking blue light: A software update is downloading to the Joule.
- Solid blue light: A software update has been downloaded to the Joule and is being installed.
- Double-blinking red light: There is an issue with the Joule. Check the Joule app for more information. Also, ensure there is enough water and that the Joule is standing upright. Overheating may also be a possible cause, so ensure proper ventilation.
- Solid red light: There is a Joule software error. The device should reset itself in this case. If it does not, attempt to reset the Joule by unplugging it for 10 seconds and then plugging it back in.
If you encounter any issues with the LED light on your Joule, consult the user manual for troubleshooting steps or contact Breville customer support for further assistance.
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