Dec 11, 2024 - 03:50 AM
To connect multiple turntables to the Violectric PPA V790 Balanced Phono-PreAmplifier and optimize the settings for each one, follow these steps:
1. Identify the inputs: The PPA V790 has three balanced stereo phono inputs (XLR connectors) and three unbalanced stereo phono inputs (RCA connections).
2. Connect the turntables: Use the appropriate cables to connect each turntable to the corresponding input on the preamplifier. For balanced connections, use XLR cables, and for unbalanced connections, use RCA cables.
3. Set the input impedance: The PPA V790 offers seven switchable impedance settings ranging from 10 to 1000 ohms. Consult the specifications or the user manual of your turntable cartridge to determine the recommended impedance. Set the impedance switch accordingly for each turntable.
4. Adjust the capacitance: If you are using a moving magnet (MM) turntable cartridge, the PPA V790 allows you to adjust the capacitance. Choose the appropriate capacitance setting (ranging from 22 to 1000 pF) based on the specifications of your cartridge.
5. Set the gain: The PPA V790 offers seven gain stages ranging from 30 to 66 dB. Adjust the gain for each turntable according to your preferences and the requirements of the cartridge. Higher gain settings amplify the signal more.
6. Save the settings: The PPA V790 allows you to save individual settings for each turntable. Once you have optimized the settings for a particular turntable, you can save them using the intuitive button interface on the front panel. This way, you can easily switch between turntables without having to readjust the settings every time.
Refer to the user manual for detailed instructions on navigating the button interface and saving settings.
By following these steps, you can connect and optimize multiple turntables with different settings on the Violectric PPA V790 Balanced Phono-PreAmplifier.
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