
Dec 08, 2024 - 08:48 PM
To set the time and date on the La Crosse Technology S88907 Wireless Color Forecast Station, follow these steps:
1. Press and hold the TIME SET button for 3 seconds to enter the time set mode.
2. Use the ▲ or ▼ buttons to adjust the values. Start with the time zone and move through the options in the following order: WWVB time signal (On/Off), time zone, DST (Daylight Saving Time On/Off), 12/24-hour time format, hour, minutes, year, month, date, and Fahrenheit/Celsius.
3. After adjusting each value, press the TIME SET button to confirm and move to the next item.
4. Once you have set all the values, press the TIME SET button to exit the time set mode or wait for 20 seconds.
Note: The WWVB time signal option allows you to enable or disable the automatic time synchronization feature. When enabled, the forecast station will search for the WWVB time signal to ensure accurate timekeeping.
For more detailed instructions and illustrations, refer to the "SET TIME, DATE, ETC." section in the La Crosse Technology S88907 Wireless Color Forecast Station Instructions Manual.
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