
Dec 07, 2024 - 03:55 AM
To adjust the handlebar height on the KneeRover Economy Knee Scooter, first, stand straight with the knee of your injured leg on the knee platform. Then, adjust the handlebar to approximately waist high or the top of your hips for the most comfortable position. Tighten the height adjustment xxxx to secure the handlebar at the desired height.
To adjust the knee platform height, ensure that your injured leg is supported at a 90-degree angle when standing. Insert the knee platform post into the receptacle tube and set the knee platform at your desired height. Use the locking pin to secure the knee platform in place and tighten the clamp lever to ensure it is securely held.
For more detailed instructions and visuals, please refer to the "Step 3: Insert Handle Bar Into The Steering Column And Set At The Proper Height" and "Step 4: Install Knee Platform And Adjust Height" sections in the KneeRover Economy Knee Scooter USER MANUAL.
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