
Dec 04, 2024 - 10:05 AM

To set up the ROXI US Edition Music System, follow these steps:
1. Plug the ROXI device into a power source and connect it to your TV's HDMI port.
2. If you have an external speaker, plug the ROXI device directly into the speaker.
3. Connect the ROXI device to your Wi-Fi network or use an Ethernet connection.
4. Turn on your TV and select the correct HDMI source.
5. If you have a smart TV, select the GAME mode.
6. Press the OK button on the ROXI controller, and it will vibrate to indicate it's awake.
7. Enter your Wi-Fi password using the on-screen keyboard.
8. That's it! Your ROXI US Edition Music System is now set up and ready to use.
For more detailed instructions, refer to the ROXI US Edition Music System User Guide.
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