Nov 07, 2024 - 02:22 AM
To select the polar pattern on the MXL Revelation II microphone, you will use the variable pattern control xxxx located on the Revelation power supply. Here are the steps to follow:
1. Make sure the microphone is connected to the power supply and the power supply is turned on.
2. Locate the variable pattern control xxxx on the power supply.
3. Rotate the xxxx to choose the desired polar pattern. The Revelation II microphone offers a continuously variable pattern selector, allowing you to choose any pattern between omnidirectional and figure eight.
4. After selecting a new polar pattern, it may take a few seconds for the microphone's capsule to charge back up. During this time, it is recommended to mute your speakers to avoid hearing static.
5. Experiment with different patterns in different recording situations to find the one that best suits your needs.
Please refer to the MXL Revelation II Condenser Microphone User Manual for more detailed information and illustrations on selecting the polar pattern.
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