
Nov 05, 2024 - 02:45 AM
To calculate mortgage payments using the Calculated Industries 3405 Real-Estate Finance Calculator, follow these steps:
1. Turn on the calculator by pressing the "ON" button.
2. Enter the loan amount using the "Loan Amt" key. For example, if the loan amount is $200,000, press "2" followed by "0" and "0" and then press the "Loan Amt" key.
3. Enter the interest rate using the "Int" key. For example, if the interest rate is 4.5%, press "4" followed by "." and "5" and then press the "Int" key.
4. Enter the loan term in years using the "Term" key. For example, if the loan term is 30 years, press "3" followed by "0" and then press the "Term" key.
5. Press the "Pmt" key to calculate the mortgage payment. The result will be displayed on the screen.
Note: The calculator assumes monthly payments by default. If you need to calculate payments on a different frequency (e.g., bi-weekly or quarterly), refer to the manual for instructions on adjusting the payment frequency.
For more detailed instructions and additional features of the Calculated Industries 3405 Real-Estate Finance Calculator, please refer to the provided Reference Guide.
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