Oct 05, 2024 - 02:29 AM
Cleaning the WantJoin WZ-200D Professional Blender is easy. Here are some cleaning tips:
1. Use the "Pulse" button or a plastic knife to clean or blend with water in the cup.
2. Never use your hand to clean the cup without taking off the blade.
3. Never put the blender cup in the dishwasher.
4. Use a sponge or dry towel to clean the base.
5. Never immerse the blender in water to avoid damage.
6. Only use plastic and soapy water to clean the cup.
It is also important to properly maintain the machine. Here are some maintenance tips:
1. Place the cup upside down to let the water flow out after cleaning.
2. Wash the blender properly to avoid molding.
3. Never blend without any ingredients or grind hard things to avoid damaging the blade.
4. Allow the machine to cool down after it has been used for a period of time.
For more detailed instructions, please refer to the WantJoin WZ-200D Professional Blender User Manual.
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