
Aug 29, 2024 - 01:51 AM
To clean the reservoirs of the Brio CLBL420V2 Bottom Load Water Dispenser, follow these steps:
1. Gather the following supplies: 200g (approx. 1.5 cups) citric acid crystals, hot water, a large bucket or empty 5-gallon bottle, a container or cup, and a clean dry cloth.
2. Turn off the hot and cold water switches and unplug the dispenser.
3. Remove the water bottle and move the dispenser away from the wall to access the back.
4. Drain any remaining water from the reservoirs by dispensing from all the taps into a container.
5. Pour citric acid crystals and 2 gallons of hot water into the 5-gallon bottle or bucket. Stir or agitate briefly to mix.
6. Insert the bottle adapter tube into the bottle or bucket with the solution, secure the cap if using a bottle, and slide it into the dispenser, ensuring the door is securely closed.
7. Plug in the dispenser and allow the cleaning solution to fill the reservoirs. Then dispense a small amount of the solution from each tap into the cup or container.
8. Wait 20 minutes, unplug the dispenser, and drain the reservoirs as described in step 4. Rinse out the solution bottle or bucket, then fill it with 2 gallons of fresh hot tap water and repeat the process described in step 7. Allow the reservoirs to fill.
9. Unplug the dispenser and place a 3-gallon bucket at the back of the dispenser. Remove the drain plug while simultaneously pressing the dispense buttons. Once the reservoirs have been drained, replace the drain plug.
10. Return the dispenser to its location, install a fresh bottle of water, plug in the power cord, and turn on the hot and cold switches.
11. If any odor or taste persists after cleaning, repeat the above steps using 2 cups of white vinegar and 2 gallons of water.
Please refer to the Brio CLBL420V2 Bottom Load Water Dispenser User Manual for more detailed instructions and safety precautions.
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