
Aug 13, 2024 - 04:41 AM
The assembly process for the TOBUSA AC014 Traditional Floor Lamp is straightforward and does not require any tools. Here are the steps to assemble the lamp:
1. Twist the Post Together from Heading to Base: Start by unpacking the lamp and twist the different segments of the lamp's post or body together. Begin from the top (heading) and twist them together until you reach the base.
2. Squeeze the Metal Frame to the Holder: The lamp likely has a metal frame that supports the lampshade. Squeeze the metal frame to fit it into the holder on the lamp's body.
3. xxxx the E26 Bulb Up (suggest bulbs smaller than A19 type): Take an E26 type bulb and xxxx it into the lamp socket. It is recommended to use bulbs that are smaller than the A19 size.
4. xxxx the Lampshade on with Fixing Canopy: Finally, attach the lampshade onto the lamp by screwing it in place with a fixing canopy. The fixing canopy is likely a cap or cover that secures the lampshade.
Please refer to the user manual for visual illustrations and additional guidance on the assembly process.
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