Jun 10, 2024 - 05:00 AM
To adjust the intensity and speed of the HealthmateForever YK15AB TENS EMS Muscle Stimulator, follow these steps:
1. Turn on the device by pushing the "ON/OFF" switch located on the right side of the device to the ON position.
2. Select the channel you want to adjust. The device has two independent channels: A and B. The channel indicator on the screen will show if channel A or B is active. If the "A" on the screen is blinking, channel A is working. If "B" is blinking, channel B is working.
3. Use the "Intensity +" and "Intensity -" buttons on the left side of the device to adjust the intensity for Channel A (A1 and A2 outputs). Press the intensity "+" button to increase the intensity and the intensity "-" button to decrease the intensity.
4. Use the "Intensity +" and "Intensity -" buttons on the right side of the device to adjust the intensity for Channel B (B1 and B2 outputs). Press the intensity "+" button to increase the intensity and the intensity "-" button to decrease the intensity.
5. If you need to adjust the speed of the electronic pulse, use the speed "+" button to increase the speed and the speed "-" button to decrease the speed.
6. Start with the lowest intensity and gradually increase it to a level that feels comfortable for you. The intensity should be set at a level where you will experience some muscular vibration and involuntary muscle movements.
Note: The intensity can be adjusted independently for each channel, allowing you to customize the stimulation experience for different areas of your body.
Please refer to the HealthmateForever YK15AB TENS EMS Muscle Stimulator User Manual for more detailed instructions and illustrations.
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