
May 13, 2024 - 01:43 AM
To insert a SIM card into the BLU 2023 Studio Mini Smartphone, follow these steps:
1. Power off the phone before inserting or removing the SIM card.
2. Locate the SIM card tray on the side of the phone. It is usually on the left side.
3. Use the SIM ejector tool or a small paperclip to gently push into the small hole on the SIM card tray.
4. The tray will pop out slightly. Pull it out completely.
5. Place the SIM card into the tray, ensuring that the gold contacts are facing down and the notched corner aligns with the notch on the tray.
6. Carefully insert the tray back into the phone until it clicks into place.
7. Power on the phone and wait for it to recognize the SIM card.
For more detailed instructions and illustrations, please refer to the BLU 2023 Studio Mini Smartphone User Manual provided in the link above.
There is no SIM Card entrance on the side of a Studio Mini 2023....Android version 12.
So, how do I open it to get to it then. If that's where it is or goes? Ugh!
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