
Feb 21, 2024 - 10:08 PM
To update the THINKCAR THINKOBD 500 Car Code Reader, follow these steps:
1. Open your web browser and go to the official THINKCAR website at
2. Download the THINKOBD Update tool from the website.
3. Install the downloaded tool on your computer. It is compatible with Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10.
4. Connect one end of the USB data cable to the USB port of your computer and the Type-C port on the code reader.
5. Insert the code reader into the computer's identification port.
6. Open the THINKOBD Update tool on your computer.
7. Locate the "COMFLG.INI" file in the tool and open it.
8. Change the "Serial Name" in the file to match the computer and device port "USB-COM name."
9. Finally, open the "C Reader V Plus Upgrade Tool.exe" from the THINKOBD 500 installation package.
Please note that this process requires an internet connection and the code reader should be properly connected to the computer. For more detailed instructions, refer to the user manual provided with the product.
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