
Feb 18, 2024 - 11:36 PM
To start the Craftsman Pressure Washer CMXGWASD20735, follow these steps:
1. Place the pressure washer near an outside water source capable of supplying water at a flow rate greater than 3.4 gallons per minute and no less than 20 PSI at the pressure washer end of the garden hose.
2. Check that the high-pressure hose is tightly connected to the spray gun and pump.
3. Connect a garden hose to the water inlet on the pressure washer pump.
4. Turn on the water supply.
5. Make sure the spray gun trigger lock is engaged.
6. Start the engine according to the instructions given in the engine operator's manual.
7. Release the spray gun trigger and let the engine idle for two minutes.
8. Point the gun in a safe direction, press the red button, and squeeze the spray gun trigger to release retained high water pressure.
9. The pressure washer is now ready to use.
Please refer to the owner's manual for more detailed instructions and safety precautions.
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