
Feb 09, 2024 - 01:42 AM
To descale your Keurig Duo coffee maker, follow these steps:
1. Empty the water reservoir and remove any loose coffee grounds from the brewer by running two cycles of water through without a K-Cup pod inserted.
2. Mix a descaling solution by combining equal parts of white vinegar and water. You can also use a Keurig Descaling Solution.
3. Pour the descaling solution into the water reservoir up to the MAX fill line.
4. Place a large mug or carafe on the drip tray to collect the solution.
5. Press the POWER button to turn on the brewer.
6. Select the appropriate brew size for descaling (e.g., 8 oz for a single cup or 12 oz for a carafe).
7. Press the BREW button to start the descaling process. The brewer will heat up and dispense the solution into the mug or carafe.
8. Discard the hot liquid and repeat the process until the water reservoir is empty.
9. Let the brewer stand for at least 30 minutes to allow the descaling solution to work.
10. Rinse the water reservoir thoroughly and fill it with fresh water.
11. Place a mug or carafe on the drip tray.
12. Press the POWER button to turn on the brewer.
13. Select the appropriate brew size for rinsing (e.g., 8 oz for a single cup or 12 oz for a carafe).
14. Press the BREW button to start the rinsing process. The brewer will dispense hot water into the mug or carafe.
15. Repeat the rinsing process with fresh water at least three more times to ensure all traces of the descaling solution are removed.
16. Your Keurig Duo coffee maker is now descaled and ready to use.
Note: It is recommended to descale your Keurig Duo every three months or if you experience low coffee volume or slower performance. Always follow the instructions provided in the user guide for descaling and maintenance.
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