
Jan 26, 2024 - 03:15 AM
To add detergent to the Whirlpool WTW5010LW washer, follow these steps:
1. Use only HE (High Efficiency) detergents designed for use in high-efficiency washers.
2. Add a measured amount of HE detergent or single-dose laundry packets directly into the washer basket.
3. If using oxi-type boosters, color-safe bleach, or fabric softener crystals, add them to the bottom of the washer basket before adding clothes.
4. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to determine the correct amount of detergent to use.
Note: Using non-HE detergent may result in longer cycle times, reduced rinsing performance, and the buildup of mold or mildew. It is important to use low-sudsing and quick-dispersing HE detergents for optimal performance.
For more information on adding laundry products, including liquid chlorine bleach and liquid fabric softener, refer to the "ADDING LAUNDRY PRODUCTS" section in the Whirlpool WTW5010LW washer instruction manual.
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