
Dec 15, 2023 - 12:04 AM
To connect the 8Bitdo SN30 Pro / SF30 Pro controller to your PC, you need to follow these steps:
1. Install 8Bitdo's driver: Before connecting the controller to your PC, make sure you have installed 8Bitdo's driver. You can download the driver from their official website.
2. Enter pairing mode: Press and hold the START button on the controller for 3 seconds to turn it on. Then, press and hold the PAIR button for 3 seconds to enter pairing mode. The LEDs on the controller will start rotating from left to right.
3. Connect to PC: On your PC, go to the Start menu and navigate to the "Bluetooth" dialog. Click on "Add Bluetooth or Other Device." Once the LEDs on the controller are lit up, press and hold the PAIR button at the top of the controller for 3 seconds to enter pairing mode. In the Bluetooth dialog on your PC, you should see the 8Bitdo controller show up. Select it and click "Pair" to connect.
If the controller is still not recognized by your PC, try the following troubleshooting steps:
- Make sure you have installed the latest version of the firmware for the controller.
- Check if the controller is fully charged or connected to a power source via USB cable.
- Restart your PC and try the pairing process again.
- If possible, try connecting the controller to a different USB port on your PC.
- Ensure that there are no other Bluetooth devices interfering with the connection.
If you continue to experience issues, refer to the user manual or visit the 8Bitdo support website for further assistance.
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